8-questions that help you survive in your business!

Gaurav Singh Pharswan
4 min readOct 4, 2021

Starting a business is laborious and, it is even harder to keep it running.

Take my blog Informednation.in as an example. The blogging website is in its early stages and, there are obstacles on many fronts. The blogging website is similar to how a business is ran in many aspects.

There is a constant change in plan many times and, you need to look for alternate solutions and do more and more research. But there are times where you find yourself stuck with zero motivation and all the answers seem useless.

So how can you, as a reader and myself as a business owner figure, if the efforts and sweat we put in are making sense or not?

There are 8-fundamental and powerful questions that can help you to keep going. Or you can know that it is time to stop completely.

If possible, write them down in your journal and review them daily in the early morning and, it will give you some motivation.

Photo by Hello I'm Nik on Unsplash

Question 1: The reason for doing it? We need to know the reasons as to why we are ready to put in efforts and what kind of things we are expecting in return. Regularly asking yourself the questions like- What is this for? Who benefits from this? This will help you center your thoughts and motivate you, and help you to make proper decisions.

For example:- My blog informednation.in is made to motivate more and more people to focus on three core areas of their lifestyle. That includes character development, wealth creation, and management, and health & fitness.

The thought that some people in this entire globe will read my blog and plan to focus on these areas that will change their lives is enough motivation to keep going.

Question 2: What problem are you solving? If your product does not help your users in solving a problem, your product will surely fail. The crucial parameter for any product to succeed is the number of its active users. These active users will only use your product if they find your service to be beneficial for them. Keep reminding yourself how your product is assisting your users.

Question 3: Is this useful? Build products that help your user and are not just a show-off. Offering a solution and charging some fancy amount is not sustainable, not to mention if there are other products available in the market at a much lower cost.

Our blog includes articles from the varied domains helping readers understand the importance of planning and developing skills. They get to learn about the new opportunities that are available in the market and not some click-bait articles meant for generating money.

Photo by Brands&People on Unsplash

Question 4: Are you adding value? Adding value to the product is hard. Work on how your customers can get more and more benefits as compared to their previous interactions.

Value addition helps customers come back to your business and generate profits.

Question 5: Will this change behavior? Ask whether the thing you are building bringing any change? Try to construct products that impact people’s lives.

Our mission with Informed Nation is to encourage more people to take up financial planning lessons, better management of money and, we will try to ingrain this habit among our readers.

Question 6: Is there an easier way? When you have a problem in front of you, there are many possible solutions. Try to look for the solutions that suit your business. Do not overcomplicate any issue. Look for easier ways to implement it. Easy solutions sometimes might mean fewer expenses.

Photo by Aron Visuals on Unsplash

Question 7: What could you be doing instead?

If you are on constrained resources, identify the things that you can’t do. It will help you in valuing your time accordingly. There will be numerous things and plans you will miss out which are also important. So comparing the circumstances help in giving appropriate value to your time.

Question 8: Is it really worth it? Identify the level of importance of your work and how much it affects you. Ask whether the business you are running helping people out and bringing change in their lives or, you are just shooting blindly with no clear direction. Evaluate the activities that you need to fulfill to achieve your mission and prioritize it. Ask whether this meeting is at all required? Do we need to decide on this project today or, can it be delayed for a week? Learn to value your time and, all things will fit rightly into order.

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Constantly ask yourself these questions and it shall help you gain clear perspective about your current position and the things you need to alter.



Gaurav Singh Pharswan

Blogger @ informednation.in Working to help people to upgrade their lifstyle by improving their physical, mental and financial approach.